Tuesday, September 16, 2014

dear everyone
the library is acting up again YET AGAIN soooo i don't have as much time YET AGAIN. I'm at the palskys :) lovely palskys. and this keyboard is tiny so its hard to type on haha....
lets see i feel super scatterbrained cause I'm trying to be fast but lets see
this week......
much better than last week emotionally... soooo thanks for praying for me. i know it was cause of you guys. i also had interviews with president manion and those went really well and he told me he was really proud of me so that was really nice  to hear. dad, whenever i would get blessings from you you would say the lord was proud of me and i have missed hearing that... something cool happened...:
this week...
we had the musical fireside on sunday (which i shall talk about more later on) but as i was sitting listening to bro palsky playing the piano i tried really hard to listen to the spirit and i just smiled cause i was so happy and my mind was just cleared of everything i wasn't really thinking of anything in particular and then this sentence popped into my head 

"I'm proud of you."

so i don't need to hear it in a blessing to know that heavenly father is proud of me :) he just told me! it made me very happy.. but the quiet reverent happy that i usually struggle to understand. but i understood it :)

so I'm trying to think what all has happened this week. let me get out my planner.

we went out to the kesslers.. a family in our branch who i haven't been out there before and their house is gorgeous and i LOVE THEM!!! so cute :) so many people are just so inspiring
G, our new investigator is progressing well... we have met with her a couple of times and she is doing well, we're trying to help her and give her the support she needs as she is making a lot of big changes in her life really fast. but she has awesome fellowship and is doing really well
we saw J!! she voiced that the book of mormon is something she is really skeptical of and i can see why, when she has been raised in her church her whole life and told that everyone else is wrong and they are right... so her heart isn't exactly that opened........... so that made me sad... but she still loves US... and she sees a light in US.. so hopefully that will help that seed grow
we tracted the whole HAMLET of tomahawk and that went well we got a few potentials and boosted out spirits with our effectiveness
practiced and practiced and practiced singing for the musical fireside thing
had supper at the giddies.. man i love them!
interviews.. those were good :)
stopped by C's!! we found her sing tracting and she is WONDERFUL and gonna be the next relief society president when the branch in evansburg is created hahaha
had supper at a restaurant with the hewitts and strausbergs and then practiced singing some more with the currys and the currys sound like professional singers... they are glorious
A HAD HER BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW and she is soooooo excited to get baptized since!!!! so that is the best news in the world
the sun is back!!! its no longer winter.. just back to autumn :D
A is gonna be  baptized we're planning that this week
saw G and J man they are so stubborn
M had her baby shower and we gave her a book of mormon! hahaha we said "babes first book of mormon" on it haha.. hilarious
stopped by the tongans.. i have missed them.. they still haven't come to church tho :P i just wish there was a pill i could give to people to stop them from being so flaky.

"anti-flakiness: take every time you feel like you want to flake out"

i guess prayer works to ;)

sunday was one of the best days ever... just sooooo FILLING. sacrament was especially good. A was there and stayed the whole 3 hours and sister B  and i did singing time in primary so that was fun :) i like singing
The musical fireside was so well attended!!! over 20 people came who were non members . the chapel was filled!!!
D came and was just loving it. she said "i just feel like i know all these people!!" i can't wait to teach her about the plan of salvation haha :) i sure love that lady.. she asked if she could adopt me haha! i said..... well could i adopt YOU??? she said she would come live with us in utah... so ya ;)

so ya thats my week in a nutshell!
its been humbling and exciting. frustrating and exhausting, exhilarating and happy all in one. 
i will say this.. i think i am going to have to sleep for a whole week STRAIGHT just to recover from the exhaustion that NEVER GOES AWAY. like ever. people always try to help with sleep and stuff and give good advice.. I'm not struggling to get to sleep or stay asleep.. but i just never get ENOUGH!!! 

so ya I'm just really excited for this week. its going to be really full. tomorrow we have mission tour. a seventy is coming to talk to us for basically a whole day about cool stuff.. so ill take good notes and then we are going to the temple after. i am SO PUMPED TO GO TO THE TEMPLE. i love this temple .well i love all the temples.... edmonton will forever be so special and holy to me. especially so :)

I'm trying to think if there is anything else i should tellllll you.......??? a;ksldfj;alkdsfj;lakdsjsf
meh :)
i just love you all
and please accept my apologies of not writing everyone back... i just really don't have time today :( i will soon. next week? :D
i love you all
i pray for you
i love love love you
love sister douglas

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